Contact us Category listing - meta-pkgs
((V)irtual = Package is only listed here)
aspell-languages Meta package for aspell language packs
boost Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries
bulk-large Meta-package for a standard largish limited bulk build
bulk-medium Meta-package for a standard medium-sized limited bulk build
bulk-small Meta-package for a standard short limited bulk build
bulk-test-boost Meta-package for testing Boost
bulk-test-llvm Meta-package for testing LLVM
compiz-fusion Meta-package for compiz fusion
courier Meta-package for the Courier mail server suite
deforaos-desktop Meta-package for the DeforaOS Desktop environment
freetype (V) FreeType libraries and utilities
gimp-docs Documentation package for The GIMP image manipulation software
git (V) GIT version control suite meta-package
git-cvs (V) Backend for git to extract data from CVS
git-svn (V) Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and git
gnome Meta-package for the GNOME desktop environment
gnuradio Collection of GNU Radio (meta package, easy to install whole thing)
gnustep Meta-package for GNUstep
gstreamer0.10-plugins Open-source multimedia framework (plug-in meta-package)
gstreamer1-default-backend Default audio backend for gstreamer1
ja-ptex (V) Meta-package for pTeX et al, supports Japanese language
kde-telepathy meta-package for KDE Telepathy
kde4 meta-package for the KDE4 integrated X11 desktop
kf5 meta-package for the KDE Frameworks 5
libdbusmenu Small library created by pulling some code from indicator-applet
lxde Meta-package for the LXDE desktop environment
lxqt Meta-package for the LXQt desktop environment
matchbox The Matchbox window manager environment
mate Meta-package for MATE desktop environment
modular-xorg Modular Xorg meta-package
modular-xorg-apps Modular Xorg application meta-package
modular-xorg-drivers Modular Xorg driver meta-package
modular-xorg-fonts Modular Xorg font meta-package
modular-xorg-libs Modular Xorg library meta-package
modular-xorg-protos Modular Xorg application meta-package for prototypes
modular-xorg-utils Modular Xorg application meta-package for Xorg development utilities
nagios Meta package for Nagios
netbsd-doc Meta-package including all packages to convert SGML->HTML
netbsd-doc-print Meta-package including all packages to convert SGML->PDF/PS
netbsd-www Packages required to build the web site
php56-extensions meta-package for the PHP 5.6 HTML-embedded scripting language
php74-extensions meta-package for the PHP 7.4 HTML-embedded scripting language
php80-extensions meta-package for the PHP 8.0 HTML-embedded scripting language
php81-extensions meta-package for the PHP 8.1 HTML-embedded scripting language
pkg_developer Meta-package for pkgsrc package development
pkgsrc-guide-tools Packages required to build the pkgsrc Guide
pulseaudio-tools Management tools for PulseAudio
py-tryton-platform Install complete tryton client/server platform
qmail-server Ingredients for typical qmail-based mail server
rime-data Provides RIME inputmethod schema and data
ruby-gnome Set of Ruby language bindings for GNOME
ruby-redmine-plugins Redmine plugins meta package
ruby-redmine-themes Redmine themes meta package
ruby-shoulda Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes
suse100 SUSE-based Linux binary emulation environment
suse121 SUSE-based Linux binary emulation environment
suse131 SUSE-based Linux binary emulation environment
texlive-collection-all All texlive collections
texlive-collection-basic Essential programs and files for TeX
texlive-collection-basic-doc Documentation for texlive-collection-basic
texlive-collection-bibtexextra BibTeX additional styles
texlive-collection-binextra TeX auxiliary programs
texlive-collection-context ConTeXt and packages
texlive-collection-fontsextra Additional fonts for TeX
texlive-collection-fontsrecommended Recommended fonts for TeX
texlive-collection-fontsrecommended-doc Documentation for texlive-collection-fontsrecommended
texlive-collection-fontutils Graphics and font utilities for TeX
texlive-collection-formatsextra Additional formats for TeX
texlive-collection-games Games typesetting TeX packages
texlive-collection-humanities Graphics, pictures, diagrams TeX packages
texlive-collection-langarabic Arabic TeX packages
texlive-collection-langchinese Chinese TeX packages
texlive-collection-langcjk Chinese/Japanese/Korean (base) TeX packages
texlive-collection-langcyrillic Cyrillic TeX packages
texlive-collection-langczechslovak Czech/Slovak TeX packages
texlive-collection-langenglish US and UK English TeX packages
texlive-collection-langeuropean Other European languages TeX packages
texlive-collection-langfrench French TeX packages
texlive-collection-langgerman German TeX packages
texlive-collection-langgreek Greek TeX packages
texlive-collection-langitalian Italian TeX packages
texlive-collection-langjapanese Japanese TeX packages
texlive-collection-langkorean Korean TeX packages
texlive-collection-langother Other languages TeX packages
texlive-collection-langpolish Polish TeX packages
texlive-collection-langportuguese Portuguese TeX packages
texlive-collection-langspanish Spanish TeX packages
texlive-collection-latex Basic LaTeX packages
texlive-collection-latex-doc Documentation for texlive-collection-latex
texlive-collection-latexextra LaTeX additional packages
texlive-collection-latexrecommended LaTeX recommended packages
texlive-collection-luatex LuaTeX packages
texlive-collection-mathscience Mathematics, natural sciences, computer science packages
texlive-collection-metapost MetaPost and Metafont packages
texlive-collection-music Music TeX packages
texlive-collection-pictures Graphics, pictures, diagrams TeX packages
texlive-collection-plaingeneric Plain (La)TeX packages
texlive-collection-pstricks PSTricks TeX packages
texlive-collection-publishers Publisher styles, theses, etc TeX packages
texlive-collection-xetex XeTeX and packages
web-server Provides some useful tools for a web server
windowmaker-desktop Provides a desktop based on the WindowMaker wm
xfce4 Meta-package for the Xfce desktop environment
xfce4-extras Meta-package for extra optional items for the Xfce desktop environment